
Welcome to IGSM - an international grad student community offering a home away from home, genuine friendships, and delicious food in every gathering! Together, we navigate grad school’s ups and downs, gaining wisdom from the Bible and sharing Christ’s love through community service. We welcome people of all backgrounds. Join us for mentorship, spiritual growth, or Bible exploration!

Bible Study

Grad school is all about exploration: What should I do with my future? What should I choose as my career? Where should I live?

Along with these, grad school is also the time to ask the big questions in life. What does it look like to live life without regrets? How should we relate with the people most important to us? If God exists, what does he think of us?

We meet regularly to discuss these bigger questions of life through the lens of the Bible, and we welcome everyone to join and contribute unique viewpoints to our discussions!


We take LOTS of fun trips and outings together (safely) to hike and enjoy the beautiful lakes and mountains in the Seattle area. We also get together to celebrate traditional American holidays like the Fourth of July, Christmas, and Thanksgiving with a giant roasted turkey!